Hold it, Dude. Stairway.
Don't shoot, Sheriff.
Just getting a little air.
I'm getting jumpy.
I'll walk along with you
and hold your hand.
-Get back over there where you belong.
-Yes, Papa.
-Senor Chance. I been looking for you.
-It is very bad.
-What's wrong?
-Your friend Senor Wheeler.
-What about him?
He is a good friend
and he wishes good for you, so he talks.
He talks to people. He talk to everybody.
He say why they don't help you,
that you should have some more help.
He's right.
But is no good to say such things
to the wrong people.
-You tell him.
-Is he in there?
Si, I think.
Chance, he's over there.
The kings full.
That's good. Beats me.