That's all for me, Chance.
-Charlie, come here.
-Yeah, Sheriff.
You're going with us.
Why pick on me? Why choose me?
You're carrying these guns
down to the jail for us.
All right, back up and give him room.
I guess they'll let you
in the front door from now on.
You mean to tell me you followed him
into Burdette's saloon?
Why, you're crazy!
And you are, too. What happened?
He was hiding in the loft.
Who got him?
Dude did. One shot.
I wish I could've seen that.
I wish Wheeler could've, too.
Wheeler didn't think
Dude and me was much good.
Leastways it would've showed him
he was wrong about Dude.
He was wrong about Dude, all right.
You were good in there tonight.
Good as you've ever been.
But you know one reason
why you got by with it?
They were laughing at you.
Borrachon talking big.
You surprised them.
But next time they'll be ready for you.
Next time they'll shoot first
and laugh afterwards.
-Listen to him.
-Don't get too cocksure.
What a stinker! Spit in his eye.
Never mind him,
he's always been a stinker.
If he were to change, that would worry me.
You'd think I could get one
out of a whole sack.
How'd you know
that fellow was in the loft?
He was losing blood.
It was dripping into a drink on the bar.
Just when I couldn't find anybody
with muddy boots.
I could've sure used a drink then.
If he was bleeding that means
you hit him on the run outside.
You did, Dude? Say, that ain't bad.
That ain't bad at all.