Rio Bravo

-I just wanted to ask you--
-What's this about a job?

Carlos says he's not sleeping very well.
Says I can help out downstairs.

Tending bar?
Among other things.
You think I shouldn't?
Why ask me?
The way you said "tending bar."
-All right, I won't do it.
-I didn't say not to.

You don't like the idea.
Why should it be up to me?
Why should I care?

I don't know why you get mad
when I ask you.

-I'm not mad.
-You're not?

-You'd make anybody mad.
-I suppose I would.

As long as you haven't anything against it,
I'll take the job.

Go ahead.
Thanks, I will.
What were you going to ask me?
-Never mind. You're in too bad a humor.
-What were you going to ask?

Whether you were going to sleep
in the hotel tonight.

Get one thing straight. There'll be no more
chair-sitting outside this door.

I know. I've given that up.
Anyway, I have a better idea.
Tonight you sleep in my room.

Anyone looking wouldn't look there first.
You'd have more time
if anything did happen.

Besides, I have a rocking chair,
it's more comfortable.

Just an idea. You can think about it.
When you're in a little better humor.
The shot came from the jail.
Chance, look out!
Don't go in there.
That idiot just took a shot at me.
Stumpy! You all right?
Sure I am, but there's a feller out there
with a black hat that ain't.

And I'm that fellow.
Coming in.
Look what he did to my hat.
Stumpy, that was Dude you shot at.
