You two are enough to drive a man to it.
I think I'll go watch the road again.
Unless you need me for something else.
Did you forget this?
You could clean up a little.
Yeah, you're a heck of a looking deputy.
I'm better than I look.
I'll do that tonight.
If you think of it, send me some food.
I think I could eat something.
Nothing in his stomach.
Nothing but guts.
You can quit worrying about him
and start thinking about me.
We know about him,
he's going to be all right, but I ain't.
That got my goat.
I can't watch a man get down.
Where're you going?
To get Dude something to eat.
And you'd better--
I know, get back in my hole.
No, you'd better watch out for Colorado
when he comes back.
I forgot to tell him
how trigger-happy you are.
We get a good man, he has to watch you
to keep from getting shot full of holes.
Close the window!
Still talking about that little accident
last night.
Never can satisfy him.