Once again, the Pharaoh will have reason
to remember the name of Adonijah.
Let him write it in the blood of his dead.
Too long
this soil has been bathed in blood.
Have you lost your taste for blood
now that the battle is over?
After seeing the glory of victory,
the glory of peace makes itself known.
Peace is for women and children.
Let me cleanse my mouth
of the stench of the Egyptians.
To a new victory
won by the Prince of lsrael.
- To the warrior prince, Adonijah.
- To Adonijah.
To your glory, brother.
May it increase the glory of lsrael.
There would be greater glory if l were
not shackled by command of my father.
Defend but never attack.
When l am king, there will be no
privileged sanctuaries for my enemies.
l"ll pursue them into their own cities.
- We"ll hunt them down like dogs.
- We"ll rout them out.
Highness, this one was found
among the dead, but he is no Egyptian.
Put him down.
The Pharaoh has mercenaries,
but l have never seen one like him.
- From where do you come?
- l have the honour to serve Her Majesty.
- The Queen of Sheba.
- The Queen of Sheba?
We"re a long way from the land of Sheba.
800 leagues.
Where goes the Queen of Sheba
there go l, a soldier of her guard.
Why does a Sheban
fight with Egyptians against lsrael?
l fight where my queen commands.
And it pleased my queen to lead
her troops against a band of barbarians.
l"ll send your hide to this brave queen
of yours as a token of my esteem.
No. Grant him the respect
one soldier should have for another.