l leave but one monument to my name:
the unity of lsrael.
Symbol of the 1 2 tribes, once separate,
each striving for dominance,
but now you, the elders of the tribes,
stand before me, banded together,
in an indestructible oneness.
You were the last to lead your tribe
into the union, Ahab.
And as a pledge of your loyalty,
you brought me your only child, Abishag.
l have loved and cherished her
as my own daughter,
as l have loved and cherished lsrael,
of which she has become
the living symbol.
She has been an honour to my house.
And to the household of David.
My day is almost done.
But the day of lsrael has hardly dawned.
lt is well that l make room for another
to follow after me on this throne.
No, you stay the king.
(crowd) No! No!
- His Highness, Prince Adonijah.
- Adonijah?
Sire, l have driven like a fury
to attend this council
ever since your command reached me.
Behold the two halves of me.
The soldier.
And the poet.
l have loved you both dearly.
Tell me.
- ls there any jealousy between you?
- No, sire.
Jealousy of what? Have l a desire
to distinguish myself as a scholar?
lt is Adonijah"s destiny to rule,
and l will truly serve him.
lt is God who decrees
the destinies of his creatures, my son.
As l lay close to death,
out of the darkness
a great voice called to me and said
""l am the Lord thy God,
who placed thee upon the throne.""