There is only one way it can be done.
What do you suggest? Have you a plan?
l have.
But for every plan, there is a price.
What do you want this time?
The port of Melish on the Red Sea
in return for the downfall of Solomon.
- That is impossible.
- Melish is my port.
This time you ask for too much, Sheba.
Tell me, what would be
the cost of a war against lsrael?
You know very well.
And l offer you a plan almost without cost.
His Majesty hesitates, Baltor.
Perhaps we should return to Sheba
rather than to visit Jerusalem.
l grant it.
- And how will you destroy Solomon?
- lt is said that Solomon is wise.
But no matter how wise a man may be,
he is still human, with a human weakness.
l will sit at the feet of Solomon
like the wise men who flock to Jerusalem.
And perhaps l will learn
from his own lips the way to destroy him.
Truly, the way of a woman
is beyond our understanding.
The way of a woman is simple, my lord.
lt is always to follow
the way of a man.
l shall keep myself informed
of your progress in Jerusalem.