Then l am even more pleased. Come in.
You are the first of His Majesty"s court
to visit me.
How interesting your encampment is.
Are your people
always so carefree and gay?
We enjoy life and pleasure.
- Don"t you?
- Yes, we do.
But we are an austere people.
We tend to be more serious.
And your king. ls he also serious?
King Solomon has a great responsibility.
He must maintain
the unity of our 1 2 tribes.
lt is very important, this unity?
Oh, yes. Without it,
there would be no lsrael.
The gods of Sheba.
Mal-Ra, the guardian of destiny.
Kol, god of the sun and stars.
Rama, who sends the rain.
We have many gods.
ln lsrael, we have one god.
When he fails you,
do you blame him for everything?
He never fails us.
You must find it gratifying
to be so close to your king.
Are you his sister, perhaps?
Sometimes he calls me that.
We have been very close to each other,
ever since l came to live
in the house of his father.
Do you stay long in lsrael?
That depends upon your king.
You are charming. lnnocent.
And you fulfil all my expectations.
For you.
From the land of Sheba.
A gift from its queen.