give the child to her
that it may not be slain.
Divide it.
lt should be neither hers nor mine.
Take your son, mother. He is surely yours.
May the Lord God Jehovah
praise and bless you.
You would rather have surrendered him
to another than to see him harmed.
And take this woman hence
and administer to her
punishment to fit her perjury.
She lies. She lies.
lt"s not right. The child is mine.
Now, at last, l have seen
a judgement of Solomon,
and your wisdom amazes me.
Whatever wisdom has been given me,
it was for the benefit of my people.
Continue to teach me, l beg of you,
so that l may gain a greater insight
into the wonder of your understanding.
lt will enable me to become a better
and wiser ruler over my own people.
Real wisdom lies in the ability
to decide between the true and the false.
Can you believe that only four years ago,
all this was barren desert?
You have such a joy
in all you have accomplished.
lt is a joy to make the desert bloom
by bringing water from the mountains.
You have made this into a paradise.