Wise guys.
OK, let's go. Aces bet.
It's a '25 Hupmobile, green, coupe... sir.
- It's over here.
- Yeah, over here.
- Want some gas?
- Yeah, about 40 cents' worth, please.
- Put it on Miss Weinmeyer's bill?
- Yeah. Why not?
And while you're at it, fill it up.
All right, everybody. Hands up.
Face the wall.
You too, Toothpick.
Come on.
Come on.
Hey. Join us.
OK, boss.
Hello, Charlie. Long time no see.
- Spats, what are you doin' here?
- l just dropped in to pay my respects.
- You don't owe me nothin'.
- l wouldn't say that.
You recommended
my mortuary to your friends.
- l don't know what you mean.
- Now l got all those coffins on my hands.
- l hate to see 'em go to waste.
- l had nothin' to do with it.
Too bad, Charlie.
You woulda had three eights.
- Goodbye, Charlie.
- No, Spats, no.
No, Spats. Please, no.