- Where are you running?
- As far away as possible.
It's not far enough. Those guys know us.
Every hood in Chicago will be after us.
Quick, gimme a nickel.
You're gonna call the police?
We'd never live to testify
against Spats Colombo.
We gotta get out of town.
We could grow beards.
We will get out of town,
but we're gonna shave.
At a time like this? They wanna blast
our heads off, and you wanna shave.
- Shave our legs, stupid.
- Shave our legs...?
Hello. Mr Poliakoff?
l understand you're looking
for a couple of girl musicians.
Florida Limited leaving
on track one for Washington,
Charleston, Savannah,
Jacksonville and Miami.
All aboard.
What now?
How do they keep their
balance in these things?
Must be the way the weight
is distributed. Now come on.
lt is so draughty.
They must catch cold all the time.
- Quit stalling. We'll miss the train.
- l feel naked.
- l feel like everybody's starin' at me.
- With those legs? Are you crazy?
It's no use. We're not gonna
get away with it, Joe.
My name is Josephine, and this was
your idea in the first place.