l wanted to thank you for
covering up for me. You're a real pal.
It's nothing.
l just thought that
us girls should stick together.
lf it wasn't for you,
they'd have kicked me off the train.
I'd be out in the middle of nowhere,
sitting on my ukulele.
It's freezing outside.
l mean, when l think about you
and your poor ukulele...
lf there's ever anyzhing l can do for you...
l can think of a million things.
That's one of 'em.
It's Sweet Sue.
l don't want her to know we're in cahoots.
Oh, well, we won't tell anybody.
Not even Josephine.
Maybe I'd better stay here
till she goes back to sleep.
You stay here as long as you like.
I'm not crowding you, am l?
No. It's nice and cosy.
When l was a little girl, on cold nights
like this, I'd crawl into bed with my sister.
We'd cuddle up under the covers and
pretend we were lost in a dark cave
and were trying to find our way out.
Very interesting.
- Anyzhing wrong?
- No, no. Not a thing.
You poor thing. You're trembling all over.
That's ridiculous.
- Your head's hot.
- That's ridiculous.
- You've got cold feet.
- Isn't that ridiculous?
Here, let me warm them up a little.
- There. Isn't that better?
- Yes. I'm a girl... I'm a girl...