and l get goose-pimply all over,
and l come to 'em.
- That so?
- Every time.
You know, l play tenor sax.
But you're a girl - thank goodness.
That's why l joined this band.
Safety first. Anyzhing
to get away from those bums.
You don't know what they're like.
You fall for 'em.
You think this is gonna be
the biggest thing since the Graf Zeppelin.
The next thing you know,
they're borrowing money from you,
spending it on other dames
and betting on horses.
You don't say.
Then one morning you wake up,
the guy's gone, the sax's gone.
All that's left is a pair of old socks
and a tube of toothpaste all squeezed out.
You pull yourself together, you go on to
the next job, the next saxophone player.
It's the same thing all over again.
You see what l mean? Not very bright.
Brains aren't everyzhing.
l can tell you one thing. It's not
gonna happen to me again - ever.
I'm tired of getting
the fuzzy end of the lollipop.
lce. What's keeping the ice?
The natives are getting restless.
- How about a couple of drinks for us?
- Sure.
- You know, I'm gonna be 25 in June.
- You are?
That's a quarter of a century.
Makes a girl think.
- About what?
- The future.
You know - like a husband. That's why
I'm glad we're going to Florida.
- What's in Florida?
- Millionaires. Flocks of them.
They all go south for the winter, like birds.
- Gonna catch yourself a rich bird?
- l don't care how rich he is.
As long as he has a yacht, a private
railroad car and his own toothpaste.
- You're entitled.
- Maybe you'll meet one too, Josephine.
With money like Rockefeller and
shoulders like Johnny Weissmuller.
- l want mine to wear glasses.
- Glasses?
Men who wear glasses are so much
more gentle and sweet and helpless.
- Haven't you ever noticed it?
- Yeah, now that you mention.
They get those weak eyes from reading.
Those long, tiny little columns
in The Wall Street Journal.
That bass fiddle, she sure
knows how to throw a party.