- Which instrument do you play?
- Bull fiddle.
Oh, fascinating.
Do you use a bow, or do you just pluck it?
Most of the time, l slap it.
You must be quite a girl.
Wanna bet?
My last wife was an acrobatic dancer.
Sort of a contortionist.
She could smoke a cigarette
while holding it between her toes.
- But Mama broke it up.
- Why?
She doesn't approve of girls who smoke.
- Bye-bye, Mr Fielding.
- Bye-bye?
- This is where l get off.
- Oh, no. No, no, no.
You don't get off that easy.
All right, driver.
Once around the park, slowly.
And keep your eyes on the road.
What kind of a girl
do you think l am, Mr Fielding?
- Oh, please. lt won't happen again.
- I'll say.
- Please, come back.
- I'll walk, thank you.
Please, miss...
All right, girls. Here are
your room assignments.
My glasses. Where are my glasses?
Olga and Mary Lou are in 41 2.
And, Mary Lou, do up your kimono
when you ring for room service.
Josephine and Daphne are in 41 3.
- Dolores and Sugar in 414.
- Me and Sugar?
What did you expect?
A one-legged jockey?
Rosella and Emily in 41 5...
- l wish they'd put us in the same room.
- So do l.
But don't worry about it, Sugar.
We'll see a lot of each other.
414... That's the same room number
l had in Cincinnati,
my last time around with a male band.
What a heel he was.
- A saxophone player?
- What else? Was l ever crazy about him.
At two in the morning he sent me down
for hot dogs and potato salad.
They were out of potato salad,
so l brought coleslaw.
- So he threw it right in my face.
- Forget saxophone players.