All lovey-dovey and whisperin'
and borrowin' each other's lipstick.
- What are you saying? Me and Sugar?
- You and Sugar.
- We're just like sisters.
- Well, I'm your fairy godmother.
And I'm gonna keep an eye on you.
Are you decent?
Come in.
You girls seen a brown bag
with a white stripe and my initials?
lt has all my resort clothes.
- No, we haven't.
- l can't understand it.
First my glasses disappear,
then one of my suitcases.
- Where's my ukulele?
- Now a ukulele.
- There must be a sneak thief around here.
- Oh. Here it is. Hi, Sug.
- We're going for a swim. Coming?
- A swim. Oh, you betcha.
You haven't got a bathing suit.
l don't have one either.
- She doesn't have one either. You don't?
- We can rent some at the bathhouse.
- How about you, Josephine?
- l think I'll soak in a hot tub.
- On a day like this? It's lovely out.
- Yeah, well, let her soak. Come on.
- Don't get burned, Daphne.
- Oh, I've got suntan lotion.
See? She'll rub it on me, I'll rub it on her,
we'll rub it on each other. Bye-bye.