Clothes hang better on you
than they do on me.
Watch out, Daphne.
Sugar, come on. Let's play ball.
Junior, time for your nap.
No. l wanna play.
You heard your mother, Junior. Scram!
This beach ain't big enough
for the both of us.
Here we go.
l like coffee, l like tea.
How many boys are stuck on me?
One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven...
I'm terribly sorry.
You're not hurt, are you?
- l don't think so.
- l wish you'd make sure.
Because when people find out who l am,
they hire a shyster lawyer and sue me
for three quarters of a million dollars.
- l won't sue you, no matter who you are.
- Thank you.
- Who are you?
- Now, really!
Come on.
- Haven't l seen you somewhere before?
- Not very likely.
- Are you staying at the hotel?
- Not at all.
Your face is familiar.
You may have seen it
in newspapers or magazines.
- Vanity Fair.
- That must be it.
Would you mind moving a little?
You're blocking my view.
Of what?
They run up a red-and-white flag
on the yacht when it's time for cocktails.
You own a yacht?
Which one is it? The big one?
Certainly not.
With all the world unrest, nobody should
have a yacht that sleeps more than 1 2.
l quite agree.
Tell me, who runs up that flag?
- Your wife?
- No, my flag steward.
Who mixes the cocktails? Your wife?