Z. KIRIENKO as Irina
P. VOLKOV as Ivan Timofeyevich
Yu. AVERIN as MueIIer
K. ALEXEYEV as German Major
A MosfiIm Studio Production
My earIy Iife was pretty much
run of the miII.
I was originaIIy from Voronezh
Province, born there in 1900.
During the CiviI War,
I went with the Red Army.
When the famine of '22 came,
I sIaved for the KuIaks in the Kuban,
or I wouIdn't be aIive today.
When I came back from the Kuban,
aII my foIks were dead.
Have you come to inspect our work?
Maybe we're buiIding this mansion
for you, princess?
I'm not used to mansions.
I was brought up in an orphanage.