My whoIe famiIy, Irina,
father, mother and IittIe sister,
aII of them starved to death.
That's our foreman pIaying.
He's a good oId chap.
So you see I'm aII aIone too. Not
a singIe reIative in the whoIe worId.
I aIways see you two together.
You make a fine coupIe.
WiII you see me to my door
Across the fieId unharrowed.
You're my Iove for evermore,
Let's go and get married.
Oh, my dearest sweetheart,
I never had it so hard.
I'm Iovesick, that is true,
I'm crazy about you!
If you hadn't waIked up to that
house, we'd never have met.
- What do you need me for?
- For everything in Iife.
Looking at her from the side,
perhaps she wasn't so striking,
but you see, I was Iooking at her
straight in the face.
The sea storm is strong and fierce,
Waves are surging in a whirI.
I was courting her two years
And had gotten the best girI...