- Are you wounded?
- What difference wouId it make?
I'm a doctor. Maybe I can heIp you.
It's my shouIder.
The pain is pretty bad.
Let me get this shirt off you.
You must be a horse doctor!
You're making it feeI worse.
Just keep your mouth shut!
Steady now, this might hurt you.
What are you trying to do,
you miserabIe fascist?
My arm's practicaIIy broken.
Are you trying to finish the job?
I was afraid you might have hit me.
Your arm wasn't reaIIy broken.
MereIy out ofjoint.
I've put it back in the socket.
- Does it feeI better now?
- Easy. Thanks, doctor.
You see...
Any wounded here?
Comrades, is there anyone wounded?
- Are you wounded? In your beIIy?
- No, but I've got to go out.