Sudba cheloveka

once known as Andrei SokoIov.
WiII you see me to my door
Across the fieId unharrowed.

You're my Iove for evermore,
Let's go and get married...

The sixth army is continuing
its successfuI offensive
operations at StaIingrad.

Prisoner SokoIov
reporting as ordered.

So four cubic meters is too much
to quarry, eh?

It is, Commandant, far too much.
And you need onIy one cubic meter
for your grave, right?

Yes, that's quite enough for a grave.
Even there'd be room to spare.
I'm going to do you a great honor:
I'II shoot you with my own pistoI.
- Let's go into the yard.
- Whatever you say.

Have a drink before you die,
Russian Ivan.
