You see, Sebastian had
no public name as a poet.
He didn't want one.
He refused to have one.
He abhorred the false values
that come from being publicly known...
...from fame,
from personal exploitation.
He'd say to me, "Violet, Mother,
you're going to live longer than me.
When I'm gone, it will be yours
to do whatever you please with."
Meaning, of course,
his future recognition.
- You're very like him, doctor.
- In what way?
Because you, a doctor, a surgeon...
...are dedicated to your art.
Yes, to your art.
It is an art, what you do.
Using people the way he did.
Grandly, creatively.
Almost like God.
I'm afraid my art is to help.
Not to use, but to be used.
Well, it comes to the same,
doesn't it?
I mean, in the end.
Oh, I don't know what I mean.
There is the atelier,
Sebastian's studio.
Most people's lives...
...what are they
but trails of debris?
Each day more debris, more debris.
Long, long trails of debris...
...with nothing to clean it all up
but, finally, death.
I guess...
...quiet desperation
is the word for most lives.
But ours were different.
Sebastian's and mine.
I know it sounds
hopelessly vain to say...
...but we were a famous couple.
People didn't speak of Sebastian
and his mother...
...or Mrs. Venable and her son.
They said, "Sebastian and Violet.
Violet and Sebastian are at the Lido.
They're at the Ritz."
And every appearance,
every time we appeared...
...attention was centred on us.
Everyone else eclipsed.