...for their annual egg-laying.
Once a year, the female
of the sea turtles...
...crawls out of the sea
onto the blazing sand beach...
...of a volcanic island
to dig a pit in the sand...
...and deposit her eggs there.
It's a long and dreadful thing,
the depositing of the eggs in the sand.
And when it's finished...
...the exhausted female turtle
crawls back to the sea half-dead.
She never sees her offspring.
But we did.
Sebastian knew exactly when
the sea turtle eggs would be hatched.
- We returned in time for it.
- You went back?
In time to witness the hatching
and their desperate flight to the sea.
The narrow beach, the colour
of caviar, was all in motion.
The sky was in motion,
full of flesh-eating birds.
And the noise of the birds...
...their savage cries
as they circled...
...over the beach
of the Encantadas...
...while the new sea turtles
scrambled out...
...and started their race to the sea.
- Race to the sea?
- To escape the flesh-eating birds...
...that made the sky almost black.
And I said, "Sebastian, no.
No, it's not like that."
But he made me look.
He made me see that terrible sight.
- What was not like that?
- Life.
I said, " No.
No! That's not true!"
But he said it is.
He said, " Look, Violet.
Look, there on the shore."
And I looked and saw the sand
all alive, all alive...
...as the new-hatched sea turtles
dashed to the sea...
...while the birds hovered
and swooped to attack...
...and hovered and swooped to attack.
They were diving down
on the sea turtles...
...turning them over
to expose their soft undersides...