Well, you see, it has to do with you.
With your being ill.
- She doesn't trust me with the money?
- 50 grand is chickenfeed to Aunt Vi.
- Then what is it?
- When you went off your rocker...
Shut up, Mama. Cathy's not
that far gone. Are you, Cathy?
- When I went off my rocker...?
- Yeah. You said something.
You made up some crazy story
about Sebastian.
- When she heard whatever it was...
- Last night...
...not a word would she say,
except that you babbled.
That's her word for it. You babbled
some story about Sebastian...
...and how he lived and...
- Died...
...in a place called Cabeza de Lobo.
What you said gave her a real turn.
When doctors decided you were crazy,
she wanted you to stay at St. Mary's.
Or even right here.
This seems such a nice place too.
- With that nice, capable doctor.
- Go on.
Written permission was needed
to keep you here.
So that was the point
of the private supper.
You've gotta understand...
This 100 grand is important to us.
It means George will have all sorts
of advantages now.
Things we couldn't give him, since 1929
killed your father and our nest egg.
Mother, you didn't sign those papers?
- You didn't commit me to Lions View?
- Not yet.
But, Cathy, the way Aunt Vi put it,
there was no choice at all.
Mama's gotta sign.
Besides, honey, it's not like
it was for always.
In no time,
after the little operation...
...you'll be able to...
What little operation?
Oh, Cathy!
There's only one little operation
they perform here.
It's on the brain.
It's called a lobotomy.
You may have heard of it
or read about it. I have.
It's that nice young doctor's
In cases of hopeless lunacy...