Elmer Gantry

I know nothing of theosophy, philosophy,
psychology, ideology or any other ology.

But I know this.
With Christ, you're saved,
and without him, you're lost.

And how do I know
there's a merciful God?

Because I've seen the devil
plenty of times!

Any punk ball player
can make a slide like that.

But how many folks have got the guts
to play ball on God's team?

And listen to this. The captain
of that team is Jesus Christ himself.

So, come on, man, woman, child.
Who'll be the first
to shake hands for Jesus?

Come on, now! Everyone!
Are you gonna make me beg and beg
when I'm offerin' you my Jesus?

Did the Saviour die in vain?
Did he suffer on the cross for nothin'?

Argh! My God, I can't stand it!
Oh, my God, no! Not any more!
Sinner, I'll fight you every day in the week
for God and twice on Sundays!

Help me. Brother Gantry, save me.
I sin every day!

Tell me what to do, please.
Tell me what to do!

- "Lifeline."

# Throw out the lifeline
# Somebody's drifting away
# Throw out the lifeline
# Throw out the lifeline
Bless you for bringing us
such a wonderful man.

- Sister Sharon.
- Bless you, Brother Gantry.

You've changed my whole life.
You're such a good man.

- This light supposed to be kept burnin'?
- Yep.
