Elmer Gantry

- You don't believe Moses parted the sea?
- No.

- God wrote the Ten Commandments?
- Nope.

Or that the dead were raised
and the blind cured?

And 5,000 people were fed
with five little fishes

and two little itty-bitty loaves of bread?
You don't believe in any of the miracles
in the Holy Bible, do you?

No more than I believe that black cats or
spilt salt or broken mirrors are bad luck.

Or that God can be jealous
or bloodthirsty or vengeful.

Or that Jehovah sanctions bigamy
and stupidity and slavery.

In other words,
you don't believe in the Bible.

I believe that the Bible is a book
of beautiful poetry and wisdom...

But it's not fact.
And if it's not fact,
why would he use it as information,
except to destroy her character?

I heard you say it,
and you'll burn in hell for it.

No, Georgie.
You can't scare Jim that way.

You see, if you don't believe in the Bible...
you don't believe there's a real hell.

And it follows if there's no real hell, there
can't be a real heaven. Right, Jim boy?

Why don't you get to the point?
Do you believe Jesus Christ
can give us life everlasting?

Do you believe Jesus Christ
can give us life everlasting?

- I'd love to believe it.
- But you don't?

Then you don't accept
Jesus Christ as divine, do you?

Jesus was a great, virtuous teacher.
His faith and courage changed the worid.
