Elmer Gantry

One minute you're a howling banshee,
the next, you're cold potatoes.

I don't understand anything,
but I worship you.

Well, then, stop treating me
like one of your tramps!

There's no such thing. There's
honest women and dishonest women.

And you want to make
an honest woman out of me. Men!

Don't knock 'em if you haven't tried 'em.
- EncycloPaedia sexualis
- I never read it.

You wrote it! You've just got to have
every woman - old, young, stupid. Even...

Even poor, starved Rachel
with her wet calf eyes.

- May God strike me dead...
- Be careful, or he'll strike you dead

for being the ungrateful liar that you are.
Can't you ever tell the truth?

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you.
It's you I want, Shara. No one else.

I want you so bad,
I'm in pain half the time.

I'd tear your holy wings off,
make a woman out of you.

I'd show you what heaven is - no golden
stairways or harp music or silvery clouds.

Just ecstasy, comin' and goin'.
Do you really think I'd compete
for your glorious body?

Damn right. Every woman competes
with every other woman for every man.

It's the truth, Shara. You want it.
You want it as much as I do.

You want it with me. When are you
going to make up your mind to take it?

Get in the car. Go on, do as I say.
Turn on the lights, please.
