Elmer Gantry

Brother Jim! Glad to see you
on the side of the angels.

Aren't you afraid some of these
desperate bootleggers carry guns?

- No bullet could pierce the Holy Bible.
- They might not aim at the Holy Bible.

Very good! Onward!
- Smash that speakeasy door!
- What for? Just knock. They'll open up.

Captain. My good man.
Hold it! All right, Reverend.
- Sinful woman!
- That's a dirty lie! We pay protection!

- Shame! Shame!
- Take 'em away, men!

- Whisky!
- Why didn't you give me a phone call?

Don't break the furniture!
- Should've seen what this one was doing.
- Harlot! You ought to be asha...

Arrest this woman!
#..soldiers, marching as to war
Captain Holt, may I suggest you release
these poor unfortunate creatures?

- What? But you told me...
- I know.

But throwing a prostitute into jail
will not remove her sin.

And it certainly won't get rid of
prostitution. No pictures. No publicity.

Captain Holt, I want to compliment
you and your men on a fine, patriotic job.
