Elmer Gantry

Why, thank you, sir.
See these giris leave town. And quick.
Excuse me, Mr Gantry.
That Mr Gantry,
he's absolutely incredible.

The fabulous thing about Mr Gantry
is, he's absolutely credible.

- Excuse me, please.
- She's here, Mr Gantry.

- Oh, Mr Gantry...
- Not now. Not now. Later. Later.

There you are. Sister'll see all of you
as soon as she's had a moment's rest.

Mayor, congressman, the governor,
and lookie here, Shara.

Offers... from England, Japan,
Australia, Madison Square Garden...

- From me to you.
- ..the circus.

Shara, you shouldn't have.
How about you sneaking away
with Katie Jones on a real fun picnic?

No telegrams,
no newspapers, no sermons.

The only business of the day will be us.
Just the two of us.

Oh, Shara.
- We can't.
- But why? I've got the escape planned.

The car's out front. We'll disappear
before they even know we've gone.

You're gonna cinch a contribution
from the ladies' committee.

At 11 o'clock, we dedicate your
Waters of the Jordan Tabernacle -

the mayor, fireworks,
the brass band, everything.

12.30, lunch, Rosen's department store,
where you say grace for 200 salesmen.

- And at two o'clock...
- I'll be exhausted, irritable and hateful.

Shara... we'll celebrate tonight.
- Late.
- Tonight's a thousand years away.

Shara, baby...
Oh, very well. Bring in those smug
little ladies with their fat little hands,

- fat little souls and fat little...
- Don't forget their fat little chequebooks.

- Ladies. Dear ladies.
- Mr Gantry? You're wanted on the phone.
