
...before I got the chance to see you.
It wasn't your fault.
It took me almost a week to arrange passage.

But your letter was waiting there for me,
and Tom's things.

I really shouldn't have let him go with us.
It was only a border affair.
One of the Jewish undergrounds
had blown up half a dozen bridges.

It really wasn't important enough
to lose one's life for.

Is anything?
In my opinion, yes.
I've known many soldiers, Mrs. Fremont,
and war correspondents...

...and news photographers,
such as your husband.

But I think perhaps Tom
was the bravest man I've ever met.

We have a saying in Indiana:
"The braver the bird, the fatter the cat."
Do you recognize this photograph, General?
Of course. It was his last.
Do you remember how Tom got that shot?
We were together.
I must confess, my eyes weren't on him
when he snapped the shutter.

The aircraft came in low.
We were both in the truck.

I jumped down on one side to take cover,
and Tom jumped down on the other side.

Tom couldn't have taken cover
and photographed the plane as he did.

I dare say you're right.
He had a strong sense of duty.

He also had a strong sense of death.
I felt I had to confirm what I suspected
about the last photograph.

I'm very grateful to you.
That's over a year ago.
How have you been occupying yourself?

-After I lost the child I was-
-The child?

Didn't Tom tell you we
had a child on the way?

Men like Tom are often quite reticent about
things that are nearest to their hearts.

I understand.
It was quite late in my pregnancy
when Tom was killed.

Apparently the Palestine trip was too much.
I lost the baby in the
hospital at Jerusalem.

And then I went back
to my old profession of nursing.

I've just completed my tour of duty
with the US Public Health Service in Greece.

Very good. What are your
plans for the future?
