American. Authority Gen. Sutherland.
Pass her at all times.
-Very good, sir.
-Thank you.
These Zionist organizations,
or whatever they call them...
...send their own people over from Palestine
to administer these camps.
Jews seem to respond
better to their own kind.
Perhaps we all do.
We even give them the privilege
of approving all Gentile personnel.
-I hope you don't mind.
-Not at all.
-Good morning, Ben Ami.
-Good morning, sir.
This is Mrs. Fremont,
an American friend of Gen. Sutherland.
-How do you do?
-How do you do?
Ben Ami is one of the Palestinians
who run this camp.
Mrs. Fremont has a few days to while away
in Cyprus, and being an experienced nurse...
...the general thought you may find
her assistance valuable.
We find all assistance
of value, Maj. Caldwell.
-Would you show him your passport?
-Of course.
Any friend of Gen. Sutherland's
is always welcome.
Convey my respects to the general,
and thank him for us.
Of course. Goodbye. Good luck.
-Call us if you need us.
-Thank you.
-Would you care to come with me?
Yesterday's shipload
will double our hospital capacity.
It's very good of you
to help us get organized.