
-This seems perfectly clear to me.
-Sir, some of these people are sick.

You will turn the internees over at once.
I'm sorry. I just cannot
accept that responsibility.

I'll take the responsibility.
-There, does that satisfy you?
-Of course, I don't approve, but...

...I guess it makes the record perfect.
Would you order him
to place all his Palestinian...

...administrative personnel at my disposal
while loading?

-Did you hear?
-Yes, sir.

You can call on me
if you run into any trouble, sir.

Thanks, old chap.
Well, let's get about it.
All passengers from the Star of David,
listen carefully.

We have received orders
to evacuate you immediately.

I repeat. All those who arrived
on the Star of David...

...are to be evacuated at once.
{lease prepare to board the British lorries
now passing through the camp.

Report at once
to your nearest {Palestinian guard point.

What does this mean? HMJFC?
His Majesty's Jewish Forces on Cyprus,
what else?

-What's going on?
-Military police.

They're blocking the intersection
for through traffic.
