
It wasn't just yesterday
or the day before.

Isn't your father's name Barak?
In Russia, he was Yakov Rabinski.
But when he came here,
he took the name of Deborah's general.

He called himself Barak Ben Canaan.
Barak, the son of Canaan, and this valley
became a Jewish land once again.

He can give you the date every clump
of trees was planted there, to the month.

Don't get excited.
We're not debating now.
I'll grant anything you say.
I just wanted you to know that I'm a Jew.
This is my country.
I do know. I understand.
Sometimes it's not that easy.
It's the easiest thing in the world, Ari.
All these differences between people
are made up.

People are the same,
no matter what they're called.

Don't ever believe it.
People are different.
They have a right to be different.
They like to be different.

It's no good pretending
the differences don't exist, they do.

They have to be recognized and respected.
I recognize them. I respect them.
Don't you understand
that you make me feel like a Presbyterian...

...when you can't, for just a minute or two,
forget that you're a Jew?

You're wrong, Ari.
There are no differences.
