If you ask me, "Is Ari chasing her?"
Frankly, that is a possibility.
For you maybe. Not for my Ari.
Better stop talking like a goat.
My Ari comes home and there's not a thing
in the house to eat, not a bite.
Hello! Rebecca.
Now, say "ah."
-What a nice surprise.
-Tell my daughter, Jordana.
Of course.
No trouble at all.
There. You're all right.
Jordana, your brother Ari is at Yad El,
I just spoke to your papa.
Ari? Take this for me.
Now, young ladies and gentlemen...
...can you give me a little style?
It's not fair keeping
David in Cyprus so long.
He could be doing something just as
important right here in Palestine.
That's exactly what he says.
But he tells me in his letter
that he may be gone another year.
I know Haganah would call him back,
if you would only use your influence.
Any girl that falls in love with a
Palestinian boy has a long wait coming.