I thought you were on Cyprus, David Ben Ami.
I've been called back.
You shouldn't have brought them here, Yaov.
You not only risk our lives,
the Druze here in this village trust us.
There's danger not only from the British,
the Arabs will slaughter the village.
He insisted on talking to
you, and I have orders...
...from Akiva that Ari Ben Canaan
may see us any time he wants to.
Well, you're here. What do you want?
The UN may vote on Partition
by the end of the month.
We listen to the radio also.
Half the leadership of Irgun
and 40 members of Haganah...
-...are rotting down there in Acre prison.
-Including Akiva, your uncle. So?
If Partition is voted,
we'll need every man to fight the Arabs.
Irgun, Haganah, what
difference does it make?
I spent 14 months in that prison.
I know every inch. I can show you-
That town is surrounded
by 10,000 British soldiers.
8,400. 1,600 are pulling out tomorrow
for Jerusalem.
Acre isn't a prison, it's a fortress.
It hasn't been successfully attacked
since the Crusades.
He picks a place in the middle of an Arab
city, surrounded by the British Army...
...and says to us, "Go fight."
Napoleon bombarded it for 61 days.
Napoleon didn't have
93 men inside. You have.
-What about the 400 Arabs in that prison?
-We waste Irgun blood to free Arabs?
If you turn 400 Arabs loose, they are going
to run in 400 different directions.
Each'll have a detachment
of British soldiers on his tail.
I will not listen.
I do not trust anybody from the Haganah.
If we can't trust each other, there'll
be no Israel, even if Partition is voted.