Akiva is Ben Canaan's own blood.
This is no trap.
How many Irgun does your plan call for?
Twenty-six, divided into
four attack groups...
-...and Dov Landau.
-What do you want with Dov Landau?
Akiva's execution is six days away.
We need a man inside Acre prison
by tomorrow night.
-Landau must surrender now.
-He'll be sentenced to death.
Akiva is your uncle.
Why don't you surrender?
Because Landau will be sentenced
within a few hours...
...and sent to Acre.
It'd take weeks for me or anyone else.
It must be Landau.
If we can agree on a plan,
and if Dov is necessary...
...and if we can find him,
I will give him the choice.
But I will not order him to do it.
Please, tell us what you have in mind.
Stars are British command posts.
Numbers are outside detachments.
Letters are inside groups.
There is a Turkish bath house
that adjoins the south prison wall.
Hammam al-Pasha, I know it.
I'll take a man to the first detachment.
You occupy the baths, move to the roof...
...and dynamite the prison wall here.
Inside groups will move against the yard
and the cell gates.
-With what?
-Anything we can smuggle in.
Dynamite, gunpowder, grenades.
Now, we move into action simultaneously
from the outside and from the inside.
Hey, Moshe!