Passel of them just jumped the reservation.
Burning and killing all over the place.
- It's your money.
- No, it's not. Our deal is off.
- You guaranteed what they owed me.
- Show it to me in writing.
- I got witnesses.
- Not in this town, you ain't.
I'll take you to court.
You'll have a different tone before...
- I'm waiting, Hodges!
- Is that so? Well, you...
I have a job for you.
Mabry's on his way back.
If he gets here,
it will cost me a great deal of money.
I don't want him to get here.
There is no sense
looking all over the country for him.
He has to come over the ridge road.
So pick a good spot and stay there...
until he comes.
All of us?
I hope it will be enough.
Mabry's worth six of you.
So don't give him a chance.
- Mama, did we get somewhere?
- How should I know?
Where's the rest of the wire?
Give me a hand with this pole.
How many more we gotta do today?
Keep it in line, now!
- Excuse me.
- What's all this?
The Healy Dramatic Company, sir.
- Show people?
- Yes, sir.
Gotta pay these men double wages
to get them out here...