You look like you didn't sleep so good
last night.
I slept fine, thank you.
Mabry, we're in the middle
of a lot of trouble out here.
You know, snow and Indians,
a lot of trouble.
Don't make any more.
- I'm here to help you, Healy.
- We're very grateful.
But if I'm too much trouble for you,
all you gotta do is say "git". I'll go.
We need you, you know that.
I ain't a man to look for trouble,
but I don't run from it.
I usually run from it, but not always.
I can't figure it.
He should have been here long ago.
You know what?
I think he's coming over the mountain.
- Through all that snow?
- There's Indians loose, maybe he had to.
He ain't coming this way, that's for sure.
You three wait here another couple of days,
then head on back.
I'm heading for the mountain.
You going up against Mabry alone?
He ain't looking for me, I'm looking for him.
Besides, I can spot that horse of his
a mile away.
Mr. Mabry ain't never gonna know
who shot him dead.