House of Usher

The house itself is evil now.
No, I... I cannot believe this.
But you must.
For Madeline's sake, you must.
Most of all, does this evil
reside in her.

And this is your dreadful secret?
Mr. Winthrop...
Do you think those coals jumping
from the fire out to you...

...were an accident?
Do you think that chandelier
falling was an accident?

Do you think that falling casket
was an accident?

- Are you trying to tell me that
the house made those things happen?
- Yes.

No, Sir, that's ridiculous,
but even if it were true...

...even if this house were
full of evil...

Madeline is not.
Not for all of your talk are you.
You cannot take my sister
out of this house.

If she were to wed and bear children...
...the Usher evil would spread
and you, malignant cancer ...

- You are mad, I will not listen to you.
- She will.

No, I will not!
I'll tell you what's evil in
this house, Sir. You!

I will not let your sicken fancies...
...destroy Madeline's life.

00:44:18,159 --> 00:44:19,720
She leaves with me today.

Who is it?
We're leaving. Now.
Madeline, you have no other choice.
If you remain here, this
house will destroy you.

Then, you know.
I know that your brother's poisoned
you with his absurdities.

This entire atmosphere of sickness
and disillusion is his doing.

Oh Madeline, believe me, there's nothing
wrong with you that...

...leaving this house won't cure.
