
tell me, is it true that
you cured your son?

- things people tell.
- But why do they tell them?

there's all the wood.
You keep to yourself,
don't you?...

Mother, if you save Eulalia...
...I promise you a gold medal.
And look, well...
I promise you the medal...
...and a little gold crown, a
little one, for your son...

...but save her.
In the name of the Father...
Macario, someone's coming.
You're Macario, aren't you?
- to serve God.
- do you know me?

- You're Mr. Ramiro.
- I'm rich, Macario.

My wife is ill. I don't believe stories,
but the doctor has done all he could...

My wife is covered with suckers...
...a hundred leeches sucked her
blood, but she stays the same.

they say you can cure and
I don't believe it.

Is it true that you can cure?
It is true that I can sometimes cure...
come with me to see her...
If you cure her, I'm going to
give you whatever you want.

O.K. Wait for me there.
