A love letter!
''l didn't appreciate your worth,
l thought you were like the others
''But now l see you in the clouds...
''...perhaps a cloud-capped star,
veiled by circumstances...
''...your aura dimmed''
Sanat. That idiot! l haven't
seen him for ages
Poking your nose into personal affairs
lf you're a ''person'', then
l'll be a genius one day
You know that's true, hence your pride
lf only the barber would understand
what a genius l am
Can you spare some money?
The beard's itching
Two annas, or maybe four...
...or maybe eight - l'd like
some tobacco
Or why not a whole rupee. You've got
your tuition money, haven't you?
Why not get a job, Brother?
lt's beneath an artist's dignity
ln a couple of years, cash will
rain down on me
Do you know how much Amir Khan Sahib
gets for a concert?
Remember what l said about the rupee
Ma, Manashi in our college has
a sari with a beautiful motif...
...a cow-girl