A god in a devil's clan.
Shear it off
You've bought nice material
Going to bed already? Won't you eat?
Mother must have said something
lgnore what people say. Your motto
should be: Do what you think best
Eyes full of tears? They'll fall
at the slightest provocation
l'll utter a spell. All right?
-l'm not feeling well
-So l'm uttering it
Mother, your girl's such a Khuki.
She wants to catch the moon
She can't make out anything
She's such a Khuki, mother
-A rupee tomorrow, please
-There's nothing left
All right, next month, then
Next month it all goes straight to Ma
Whoever gives up money
is a full-scale idiot
Where are you going, all dressed up?
l couldn't wait till morning
to wear it
Slightly bovine