is Akbar the Great
The despair in his eyes is because...
he had yet to see
the smiling face of an offspring
Akbar's pilgrimage is
to a hermitage...
of the Saint
Sheikh Salim-u-din Chisti...
in the hope that through
his prayers...
God might bless Akbar with a son
In the entire royal caravan...
Akbar the Great alone had vowed
to walk on foot
At last he reached his destination
The Emperor, before whom
the world bowed...
bowed his head before a fakir
God never refuses the entreaty
of his devotees
Lift your hands in prayer...
I shall join you
O Emperor of Emperors
You have bestowed
on this insignificant man...
boundless wealth from your treasury
I have been called Protector
of the world, and Shadow of God
Let me now hear a voice
that calls me father
O Master of the Two Worlds...
let me not die without a trace
He shall bless Queen Jodha
with a child