Ha ha ha!
What's the joke?
I was lookin' out for you.
That bum robbed me clean.
Just left my pants.
Strapped, mister?
I can get money
from the States...
in a few days.
Won't hurt to lose
a few pounds dieting.
Ha! I forgot!
Frankie's silver lining.
I almost forgot it.
I can get money on
that little bauble.
You can get money right here.
Give you a couple hundred.
The diamond's worth 5,000, easy.
How much do you need?
There might be some delay...
in getting my money
from the States.
Say 1,000.
Say 500.
You can't ask for better security.
Here's your 5.
Kind of foolish
to trust a stranger...
with a hunk
of diamond like that.
I can always tell
an honest face.
I'm goin' out of town.
I'll be around when you get back.
What is this?
Corn or whiskey?
Well, just ask
for what you want, mister.
$5,000, eh?
Why, that crooked jeweler
must have...
must have... switched stones?
Well, I guess that...
I guess that
about makes us even.
Not quite.
Wonder what's happened
to Billy.
He's probably attending
a dance hall girl.
(Ship's Horn Blows)