You lost the hotel?
I had two aces back to back.
This guy had one queen showing.
It was the last draw.
Would you bet a hotel or not?
One queen.
Who pulled that third queen?
One lousy queen.
I'll paint you a skinny one.
Just don't paint her rear end
like a bass drum.
I'll paint a pancake.
Sam, welcome
to the Royal Palace Hotel!
I'm rejuvenating the place.
I'm introducing art to Alaska.
Along with dealing off the bottom?
We're both rich.
Why do we have to quarrel?
If you both would like a room...
I'm out. The room and bath
is for Miss Bonnet alone.
I'm sure I have
just what you wish.
I'd like to wipe out
our past disappointments.
As your friend, Miss Bonnet
is a guest of the house.
I'll take care
of your luggage.
That guy annoys me.
You ever seen him before?
You don't know him?
Watch out.
Don't let him try
to sell you anything.
I'll keep my money in my shoe.
It's for your own good.
A crook is bad news for everybody.
Thank you.
I appreciate your concern.
Well, I got to
get out to the mine.
You will say good-bye
before you leave?
I'll try.
No hard feelings?
No. Just something
that didn't work out.
Too loony, as you say.