You've turned out to be
a real Venus.
Don't I deserve
a little credit?
Honey, it hit me big
when I saw you. Right here.
It brought back everything...
those happy days... nights.
We're gonna start
all over again...
on a grand scale.
So you're all hooked up
with Sam McCord?
Keep out of it, Frankie.
I'm on your side.
It's hunky-dory with me
if he gets his gold mine.
I have my own interests.
Sam is yours.
The rest of the world is mine.
Fair split?
I'm just asking for
old-fashioned friendliness.
It's all gone, Frankie...
like if it was never born.
You're straight.
I've told you.
I never would have imagined it.
You're in love
with this big bum McCord.
Let me give you
a little friendly advice.
It's no good.
Don't change.
You know what
love does to a dame?
It takes all the zing out of her.
That's respectability.
That's the end.
I'm asking you sincerely,
be yourself.
Don't wind up with kids
hollering in your ear.
It's respectability.
It's no good for you.
Get out of my way.
No need to leave.
I'm going.
Keep the room.
I'm a patient man.
What's more,
I have faith in you.
Think it over.
If you ever need friendliness...
call for Frankie.
What's still out there?
Some pumps and the pipe.
Me and the big wagon
won't follow you out for another day.