Did you tell him about me?
Not yet.
That's why you better
get out of this bed.
George is sensitive
right now.
I'll be in the other cabin.
Michelle, you...
Dumb little big shot!
Sam! Wait! I'm gonna die!
You're not that lucky!
Wait, Sam, please! Listen!
Well, this'll cure you.
Put you out of your misery!
Sam! Don't!
Sam! No! Oh!
Big drinker, huh?
Big drinker!
Well, drink!
Take that wagon down
to the sluice boxes...
and unload it, like you should
have done yesterday!
Yes, sir.
Oh, Clancy, if only
Sam would look at me...
with your eyes...
but he will.
I will make him look at me
the way you do.
We got to get out of here.
George'll be back pretty soon.
I'm almost ready.
Help me button my blouse.
Why don't you get one
that buttons down the front?
Would it be easier
for you to button up?