North to Alaska

Where's George?
He's takin' a bath.
He's been soakin' for hours.
I think he's gone off his rocker.
& Oh, Genevieve &
& My Genevieve &
& The days may come,
The day... &&

Hiya, Sam, old partner!
It's good to see you smiling.
I'm sorry, Sam.
I misunderstood.

I couldn't stay mad at you.
Well, thanks, George.
Every cloud has
a silver lining...

except this one
has a pink one...

just like those
fancy pink bloomers...

you gave to Michelle, huh?
The wagon's unloaded.
I'll take her into town.
You can leave Michelle
right here, Sam.

Now that we understand
each other...

give things a chance
to work out.

With Angel?
I like the French name better...
mon chou Michelle.
That's pretty.
Bite it off!
George, you're makin' a mistake!
You brought her here for me.
I may as well try.
A man can't pine
for lost love forever.

You haven't pined
for even two hours!

It's amazing how she reminds me

Before you make a fool
out of yourself...

I'd better explain some things.
She told me
about the Hen House.

This girl is square, Sam!
I like this girl!

Oh, Michelle...
See? He's goofy!
I'm not goofy.
It's been a long, cold winter.

Michelle is like
a breath of spring.

Angel isn't exactly like
those other girls...

at the Hen House.
You can say that again!
You can't charge her...
like a bull moose
chargin' for his mate.

Thanks for the advice, partner.
I'll play the cards neat.
&Mon chou &
