Peeping Tom

But you walk about as if
you haven't paid the rent.

- I haven't.
- Oh, l-I meant...

I know.
It's his house,
and I'll never sell it.

But I can't afford the upkeep,
so I let rooms.

If I charge you too much, please
tell me, and l-I'll tell the agents.

The rent's very reasonable,
but don't say anything to the others...

or you'll have no peace.
- Peace.
- Mark, what do you do?

- Oh, thank you.
- Most of the time,
I work in a film studio.

On the photographic side
I'll bet.

- I hope to be a director very soon.
- Oh, how exciting.

When I came in, were you
looking at some films?

- Yes.
- Of yours?

- Yes.
- I'd like to see them.

Oh, I know
I'm being rude,

but I really would like
to see them.

It would be a birthday present
from you to me.

- Would it?
- Mmm.

- Oh.
- But I'm-I'm sure you're too busy and...

Will you...
- Would you like to see them now?
- Oh, thank you.

I'll go first.
Oh, it's dark.
Is that better?
But it's enormous.
Oh. Terribly sorry.
- What are these?
- Chemicals.

This is, well...
It's so many things, but...

above all, it's so
completely unexpected.
