I'd wake up
sometimes screaming.
He'd be there
taking notes and pictures,
and I'm sure good
came of it...
for some people.
- He was brilliant.
- A scientist drops a lizard
onto a child's bed,
and good comes of it?
[Knock On Door]
Excuse me, but...
Oh, there you are, Helen.
The party looks like breaking up,
and we were wondering if...
Oh, I'm coming.
I wish you'd join us.
Thank you.
I hope that you...
have a sweet tooth.
Thank you for my present.
Good night, Mark.
Good night, old boy.
[Man On Phone]
Look, I tell you, Mr. Jarvis, this
picture is a commercial proposition,
and that's why I want you
to do it because I know it's
the type of thing you handle.
Look, you know I've talked
to Johnnie already. I've talked
to him, and he's crazy to do it.
These are the figures
you wanted, Mr. Jarvis.
Oh, it's terrific, Mr. Jarvis.
This script is gonna...
- Still behind schedule.
...way back where it belongs.
And you know
that Paramount want it.
Yeah. Paramount want it.
MGM want it. Columbia want it.
- [Jarvis] But is it commercial?
- [Man] Anglo want it.
[Jarvis] Send me a memo.
We'll discuss it next week.
Now, Miss Simpson,
take a memo:
To all producers
and directors.
In light
of the new economy drive,
if you can see it and hear it,
the first take's okay.
Slate 99, take 49.
Clappers on end.