Yes, but not very well.
He was a friend of Philippe's.
Later I will tell you
what happened, Mr. Risley.
I can't believe it.
Is Philippe Greenleaf
a friend of yours?
An old friend?
Yes, you might say so.
I knew him in San Francisco.
Then I saw him here.
Where is he?
I thought he was in Rome.
Have you seen him recently?
- No, I've been on a trip.
- Where to?
Oh, all over Italy.
Mainly the north.
I plan to do some traveling.
I must ask you to remain
in Rome, Mr. Risley.
Do you haveyour passport?
No, it's at the desk.
Were Miles and Greenleaf
on good terms?
Do you know more
about Freddy Miles?
But Marge knew him
much better than I did.
- Who is Marge?
- A friend of Philippe's. His fiancee.
Tomorrow, we'll ask you
to identify the body.
Do you think Mr. Greenleaf
killed Mr. Miles?
What a wild idea!